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The date after the article link indicates when the latest modification was made. The original month and year is at the end of each article (and sometimes included below when there is a big difference in dates.)

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  1. Hindsight (orig. June 2015, updated August 2018)
  2. Their Error (June 27, 2015, updated June 2, 2019)
  3. Speak the Truth in Love (orig. July 2015, updated April 27, 2018)
  4. Believers Baptism (September 15, 2015)
  5. Royalty (November 14, 2015)
  6. The Race (November 20, 2015)
  7. The Exchange (November 27, 2015)
  8. Beautiful (with magazine-style graphics) (March 29, 2016, updated July 26, 2018 – Note: this file is now 48mb and sadly, the print and graphics are still a bit fuzzy even at that size, but the crisp one was 10x that size.)
  9. Beautiful (smaller file size-600kb, with highlighting) (March 29, 2016, updated July 26, 2018)
  10. Hearts Far from Me (May 4, 2016, updated Nov. 4, 2018)
  11. Book of Remembrance (May 4, 2016)
  12. Ten Lies of Satan (May 5, 2016)
  13. Judgment Day (August 6, 2016)
  14. In Time or Too Late (August 19, 2016)
  15. Call to Repentance (NOT Bait and Switch) (orig. Sept. 2016, updated February 8, 2018)
  16. Head Covering Bible Study Chart (Sept. 2016, updated March, 2019)
  17. Suffer for His Sake (orig. Sept. 2016, updated February 8, 2018)
  18. Thief on the Cross (orig. Sept. 2016, updated April 4, 2018)
  19. Do Not Be Deceived (September 27, 2016, updated Nov. 4, 2018)
  20. Trampled Underfoot (October 10, 2016)
  21. Spirit of Christ (October 23, 2016)
  22. Assets (November 3, 2016)
  23. Diligent in Love (orig. Nov. 2016, updated May, 2018)
  24. As Christ Loved the Church (Equal Rights) (orig. Nov. 2016, updated May 3, 2018)
  25. Why Clothe Yourselves? (December 2016)
  26. Things to Come (orig. December 2016, updated November 5, 2017 – this article is being edited)
  27. Be Sincere (Artificial Love) (December 6, 2016)
  28. My Song (orig. Dec. 2016, updated November 5, 2017)
  29. Bad Company (orig. Dec. 2016, updated February 8, 2018)
  30. Unity of the Body of Christ (Purposes of the Heart) (December 15, 2016)
  31. Be Holy (December 31, 2016)
  32. Days of Deception (January 2017, updated May 2018)
  33. The Gift (Whole Heart) (January 21, 2017)
  34. The Glass Fence (January 21, 2017)
  35. Give an Account (February 2017, updated August 2018)
  36. The Difference (February 26, 2017)
  37. The Bible vs. The Shack (March 16, 2017)
  38. Examine the Scriptures (March 2017, updated August 2018)
  39. Put on Christ (March 16, 2017)
  40. Who Overcomes (March 20, 2017)
  41. True Reformer (Possessing Everything) (orig. 3/25/17, updated 10/29/17)
  42. Once Enlightened (April 19, 2017)
  43. Worthless Physicians (May 2017, updated August 2018)
  44. Subliminal Suggestion? (May 2017, updated November 2018)
  45. Testing You (May 2017, updated September 2018)
  46. Question for You (June 13, 2017)
  47. Fear God, Not Men (June 15, 2017)
  48. Robots (June 24, 2017)
  49. Be Angry and Do Not Sin (orig. June 2017, updated February 8, 2018)
  50. The Way is Hard (June 29, 2017)
  51. Born of God (June 2017, updated August 2018)
  52. True Freedom (June 30, 2017)
  53. Parables About Readiness (June 30, 2017)
  54. Set Free (orig. July 2017, updated February 8, 2018)
  55. Different Drum (July 9, 2017)
  56. Heart Turned Away (July 14, 2017)
  57. Your Team (July 19, 2017)
  58. A Willing Heart (August 19, 2017)
  59. The Eclipse (August 21, 2017)
  60. A Regular Person (September 1, 2017)
  61. How to Live Your Last Days (September 2, 2017)
  62. Who’s Your Daddy? (September 2017)
  63. What Kind of Faith? (or “Let No One Deceive You”) (September 8, 2017, updated November 11, 2018)
  64. Not Under the Law (The Emperor’s New Clothes) (September 2017, updated August 2018)
  65. Good News and “Bad” News (September 2017)
  66. Time to Wake Up (September 21, 2017)
  67. All Fall Short (September 23, 2017, updated August 2, 2018)
  68. The End of All Things (September 23, 2017)
  69. Mirror, Mirror (September 23, 2017)
  70. True Reformation (and True Transformation) (orig. 10/31/17, updated: 11-2-17)
  71. Never Turn Back (from Following Jesus) (November 5, 2017, updated August 2018)
  72. The Narrow Door (November 5, 2017)
  73. Clothe Yourselves (orig. Nov. 2017, updated February 8, 2018)
  74. His Anointing (November 5, 2017)
  75. Letter of Encouragement (to Parents of Young Children) (November 5, 2017)
  76. Walk by Faith Not Sight (No Longer Blind?)  (Nov. 13, 2017, updated Feb. 8, 2018)
  77. Letter of Caution  (Nov. 16, 2017, updated January 18, 2018)
  78. Declarations vs Prayers and Supplications (chart corresponding to above article) (November 18, 2017, updated January 18, 2018)
  79. Warned by Every Prophet (November 2017, updated August 2018)
  80. Head of the Church (November 18, 2017)
  81. Vine of Sodom (November 27, 2017)
  82. Our Lady of Fatima (December, 2017, updated May, 2018)
  83. Watchfulness by George D. Watson (posted December 2017)
  84. Exceedingly Great Joy (December 26, 2017)
  85. Call No One Father (January 13, 2018)
  86. Be a Light (January 13, 2018)
  87. Be Warmed and Filled (January 13, 2018)
  88. Eating with Egyptians (January 17, 2018, updated November 5, 2018)
  89. To Inherit or Not to Inherit (January 18, 2018)
  90. Do Not Lie To One Another (January 18, 2018)
  91. Light and Salt (or Stand Up for the REAL Jesus, the TRUE Light of the World) (January 20, 2018)
  92. Wheat or Tares? (January 23, 2018, updated June 26, 2018)
  93. Salty and Lit (February 1, 2018)
  94. Dreaming or Awake? (February 7, 2018)
  95. Joy Full (These Things) (February 7, 2018)
  96. Radical Love (February 8, 2018)
  97. This Just In (February 8, 2018)
  98. Letter to John MacArthur (February 8, 2018)
  99. Armies of Angels (February 8, 2018)
  100. Received with Gratitude (March 10, 2018)
  101. Jars of Clay (March 16, 2018)
  102. No Dead Atheists (March 20, 2018)
  103. Join to the Lord and Love His Name (April 16, 2018)
  104. The Gospel (April 20, 2018)
  105. A Parable (April 23, 2018)
  106. Love the Lord (Not Things Devoted to Destruction) (April 27, 2018)
  107. Fractured Scriptures (May 8, 2018)
  108. Ears to Hear (May 9, 2018, expanded June 3, 2018)
  109. But They Will Not Do It (May 27, 2018)
  110. Do You Love Me? (June 2, 2018)
  111. Press On (June 4, 2018)
  112. Pride (June 6, 2018)
  113. We Will Go (June 14, 2018)
  114. Commendations (Do Not Fear Giants) (June 14, 2018, small update July 13, 2018)
  115. The Obituary (June 14, 2018)
  116. Walk in His Ways and Fear Him (June 17, 2018, a few updates July 13, 2018)
  117. God’s House (June 27, 2018)
  118. The “Ticket” (June 28, 2018)
  119. His Wisdom From Above (July 1, 2018, minor addition July 3, 2018)
  120. Buy Wisdom (July 6, 2018)
  121. Cain’s Offering (July 12, 2018)
  122. See the Light (July 22, 2018)
  123. Be Fruitful (July 29, 2018, updated August 13, 2018)
  124. Our Conduct (August 2, 2018)
  125. Conversations (August 15, 2018, updated August 30, 2018)
  126. Cut Down (August 18, 2018)
  127. The Witnesses (Part One) (September 4, 2018, updated Oct. 22, 2018)
  128. The Witnesses (Part Two) (September 5, 2018, updated Oct. 22, 2018)
  129. The Fruit of the Tree (September 6, 2018)
  130. Hated “Haters” (September 8, 2018, updated Sept. 11, 2018)
  131. Spoke of Trees, Beasts and Birds (September 26, 2018) 
  132. Wild Beasts (October 1, 2018)
  133. Richly Provided Entrance (October 4, 2018)
  134. Revel in the Daytime (October 14, 2018)
  135. Who Forsake the Lord (October 22, 2018)
  136. Refused to Love the Truth (October 29 2018)
  137. Temple of God (March 16, 2019, updated April 29, 2019)
  138. God Sees Everything (March 19, 2019)
  139. One Lawgiver and Judge (March 23, 2019)
  140. The Way of Baalam (March 30, 2019)
  141. Who Lives When “Love Wins”? (May 10, 2019)
  142. The Sign of the Covenant (May 10, 2019)
  143. Rod of Discipline or Spirit of Gentleness (May 23, 2019)
  144. Children of God (May 26, 2019, numerous edits May 27, 2019)
  145. Law of Liberty (June 2019, but posted here July 28, 2019)
  146. Testing Them (July 28, 2019)
  147. Vileness is Exalted (July 28, 2019)
  148. In Defense of Paul (July 29, 2019, edited Dec. 21, 2019, expanded Jan. 22, 2020)
  149. A Short Parable About Badly Behaved Children (August 23, 2019)
  150. The Failure of the Church (December 12, 2019, numerous corrections Dec. 14, 2019)
  151. A Word to Those Who are Wise in Their Own Eyes (December 13, 2019)
  152. Believed and Were Baptized (January 21, 2020)
  153. Treasuries of Wisdom and Knowledge (March 3, 2020)
  154. A Gospel Contrary (June, 2020, posted April, 2021)
  155. The Bread of Wickedness (October 7, 2020)
  156. If (December, 2020, posted April, 2021)
  157. Not a New Commandment (June, 2021)
  158. Is Ignorance Bliss? (April, 2022)
  159. The Sign (May, 2023 – updated July, 2023)

*many revisions were to remove accidental quotes from Bible paraphrase versions (which are unreliable), and to remove the recommendations of certain Bible versions.

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