Be with All

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen. Revelation 22:21

kit: Early Spring by True Heart Digitals

If you haven’t read to the bottom of my post from April 25, 2024, please take a look at it. This blog will remain online, but will not have further posts after today. I have decided that moving forward I will be updating my blog, A Certain Day, with a variety of types of posts – not necessarily daily, but hopefully regularly. The three most recent posts with digital scrapbook pages will be at the top of the page, with others scattered throughout the rest of the page.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you will bookmark the other blog for future visits. God’s Blessings!

P.S. I apologize if you were forwarded here from my old Blogger site (from 2014-2021) only to find that the blog has moved once again. Please bookmark the new site when you get there for your  future convenience. Thanks!

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